Warm Up
the cold, white cube of the museum with apple pie
HDHouse for John C Gonzalez, deCordova Sculpture Park & Museum, Lincoln, MA, 2013
Instructional video (for DIY-types); apples, flour, sugar, butter, cinnamon; kitchen access; aroma of apple pie baking throughout upper galleries of deCordova Museum
Come on by for a piece of pie––the kettle is always on
We Are The World
is a celebration of unexpected kindnesses experienced far from home. The artwork takes the form of small conversations in place of small talk.
Shared stories live on a representation of Earth for future conversation and ruminations. Participants receive a bracelet with the name of the place where they experienced kindness as a remnant of our exchange and an invitation to others to open a conversation there.
2012 Created for On Sincerity in Boston University’s 808 Gallery. Curated by Lynne Cooney and Liz Munsell;
2013 the living room at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
2013 John C. Gonzalez’s HDHouse at deCordova Sculpture Park & Museum Biennial 2014
On Sincerity at Boston University’s 808 Gallery, 2012 | Photo: James Manning
Big, Red & ________
Created for Big, Red & Shiny’s Big Red Shindig [Relaunch party], Boston Center for the Arts, Boston, MA 2012 | Photo: Carleton Gholz
Above: small conversations about words among word-lovers. Below: Big, Red & Shiny readers’ favorite words — with a wish to BR&S that whenever one of these words should find its way into the publication it might do so in red. | Photo: James Manning
Related Press
Xiaremba, Lisa, host. “Jessica Gath: Re-Evolution through Art.” Creative in Process, season 2, episode 4, 8 May 2024, https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jessica-gath-re-evolution-through-art/ id1652104683?i=1000655005016.
WGBH Arts: July 18, 2012 Mary Tinti. “Kindness is Contagious at Figment Boston”
Big, Red & Shiny Blog: April 1, 2011 Anulfo Baez.”Covering Performance Art through the Years on Big, Red & Shiny”
For You, Beautiful
The concept of For You, Beautiful is to catalyze generosity in real time in people’s real lives. I invited attendees/participants to think of someone in their lives and to let that person know in the form of a postcard stating "You may or may not know you have the most beautiful _________."
For You, Beautiful works as a narrative with three stages. First, you are participating right now, as you read this, calling to mind the distinct beauties of some of the people in your life. The next stage of the work is you writing or filling out an internet form to send a postcard. You may do so here. The work ends with the recipients of the cards receiving them – whenever and wherever that may happen.
2010 Samson Projects, created to be shown with Suzannah Sinclair’s Tomorrow is Here
Falling in [Friend] Love
Created for Upsodown at the New Art Center, Newton, MA 2013
Falling in [Friend] Love is a celebration of the moment when you realize someone is your real FRIEND!
Small conversations, friends, hand-made stickers; & sticker necklaces to share with friends, postcards, 2013 | Photos: Sue Murad
postcard for mailing to absent friend with 1/2 of your heart-necklace